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King Slayer


King Slayer is a narrative driven action adventure game set in a medieval fantasy realm. King Slayer uses an isometric camera angle focused on combat and abilities that are entwined with the morality system. 


Technical Designer

Creative Lead

UI & Animation Implementor

Scripted Events

System Features:
  • Triggered based on player overlap
  • Ends if a tagged character dies.
  • Simple tag based system, can be implemented in multiple levels. 
Event example (Crypt)
Scripted Events(King Slayer)


Cutscene Kingslayer
Limitations & Work Arounds
King Slayer was built in Unity 5.5 when the engine did not have their "Timeline & Cinemachine" feature. King Slayer needed cut scenes to further the narrative, engage the player and as the final encounter with the boss. Since there was no in built feature, I had to get creative. I found a free asset pack to lerp the camera between points set in the world. However, with its limited features I had to code IEnumerators that would time the character animations, camera transitions and clear UI elements.  
Intro Cutscene  
Final Boss Cutscene  

Other Features

Other Features
Timer based dynamic color UI
In King Slayer, the player has the choice to spare or kill an enemy after defeating them. Each enemy has a unique timer that determines how long the player has to make a choice. The UI I coded can take any timer value and any good/evil color for that the unfilling bar changes color between.  
In King Slayer, the player has a minimap that is centered around them. This minimap has a objective pointer that points the player towards their next objective. The objectives are set up by simply dragging a object into a changeable array of objectives in the minimap prefab. 
Timer based UI
Shader pt 1
In King Slayer, the player can soft lock on to an enemy. To give feedback we wanted an outline that would highlight the enemy character. I wrote this shader for that purpose. 
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